Our in-house claims team is one of our key differentiators. We handle your claim from start to finish, providing continuity, expertise, and advocating on your behalf with our providers. We’ll not only save you time, but we’ll make the process as stress-free as possible.
Download and complete a claim form.
Send completed claim forms and any supporting information, such as a Police Complaint Acknowledgement Form, damage report, or quote to repair/replace, to claims@empireinsurance.co.nz.
A loss adjuster may be appointed to assist with your claim.
Once your claim has been accepted by your insurer, the repairs or replacement will be authorized.
What you can do to help
Download and complete a claim form.
Ensure everyone is safe and okay.
Take all practical steps to prevent further loss or damage.
Photograph any damage and, if possible, keep any damaged items.
Contact the police to report a burglary/theft or other crime-related event.
FOR General Insurance Claims
Obtain a written assessment of the likely cause of the damage, including a quote to repair, or
Obtain a damage report testifying that the item is not repairable, including a quote to replace.
If the vehicle can’t be driven, please notify us immediately so we can help arrange for it to be towed to a safe place.
If the vehicle can be driven safely, please take it to your preferred repairer, who will take digital images of the damage and estimate the repair costs.